18 Jul, 2016 to 22 Jul, 2016
The Fourth International Workshop on the Advances in the Use of Historical Marine Climate Data (MARCDAT-IV) will be held at the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK between the 18th and 22nd July 2016. The workshop will be arranged around the following themes:
- Data homogenization (benchmarking, bias adjustments, step change analysis, metadata)
- Quantification and estimation of uncertainty
- Data management, recovery and reprocessing (digitisation efforts and reprocessing of previously digitised data)
- Reconstructing past climates
- Integrating In-situ / satellite data sources
- Consistency of the climate across domain boundaries (land, ocean, surface, subsurface, atmosphere)
- The role of ICOADS and applications of marine climate data
- Review of the 10-year action plan
This workshop is free to attend but participants must be registered.
FIDUCEO contribution:
Chris Merchant will attend